TVTV EPG and Timer
Search Function
The “Search” function of the EPG allows you to search through
all the information available to the EPG (programme name, description, title, cast, director, details) for a word or phrase you enter, with the results being displayed in a list.
From the “Highlights” menu use the buttons to go to the “Search” function. You can use the number pad to input letters in the search form. The assignment of letters to the number pad buttons is displayed at the bottom of the screen as follows:
Use the buttons to enter a space or to delete the last letter entered. Press to start the search.
The results found are displayed at the left in the main display box. If the programmes found do not fit on one page, you can scroll
as well as
Press to start a new search.
This function is useful if you are looking for programmes about the country you are going to visit on holiday, for example.
Press in the EPG to call up details on the selected programme.
The information is only available if the symbol is displayed next to the programme title. The symbol only appears once you have selected the channel and programme by highlighting it with the yellow cursor bar
in the various views of the EPG however.