Manuals for ScanRouter V2 Lite
ScanRout er V2 Lite is s oftware inc luded on the C D-ROM label ed "Scanner
Driver & Document Management Utilities" for this machine. For informa-
tion about ScanRouter V2 Lite, see p.2 Network Delivery Scanner, p.30
ScanRouter V2 Lite.
ScanRouter V2 Lite Setup Guide (PDF)
Describes the operating environment for ScanRouter V2 Lite in detail, in-
stallation, and settings. This guide is displayed from the Setup screen
when ScanRouter V2 Lite is installed.
ScanRouter V2 Lite Management Guide (PDF)
Describes the outlined functions of ScanRouter V2 Lite and the manage-
ment and operation of a delivery server. This guide is added to the Start
menu when ScanRouter V2 Lite is installed.