Range Problems (continued)
Symptom | Possible Causes | Possible Solutions |
No ring on an incoming | Handset is out of range of | Move the handset closer to the radio |
call, and RANGE appears | its matching radio module. | module. |
in handset display. |
While you are talking and | Handset antenna is not | Fully extend the handset antenna. |
walking, the handset | fully extended. |
beeps and RANGE |
| |
flashes in the handset | You are approaching an | Move back towards the handset’s |
display. | matching radio module until the | |
| display stops showing RANGE. |
While talking and | You are out of range of the | Move back towards the radio |
walking, the handset | radio module. YOUR CALL | module. Press O, then proceed |
beeps and RANGE | HAS NOT BEEN DISCON- | as you would for any call placed on |
flashes in the handset | NECTED. IT HAS BEEN | Hold. |
display. You keep | PLACED ON HOLD. |
walking away from the |
handset’s matching radio |
module, the display |
goes blank, and your call |
appears to be discon- |
nected. |
After placing a call on | You are out of range of the | Move back towards the radio |
Hold, you walk away | radio module. YOUR CALL | module. Press O, then proceed |
from the handset’s | HAS NOT BEEN DISCON- | as you would for any call placed on |
matching radio module. | NECTED. IT IS STILL ON | Hold. |
Your handset beeps, the | HOLD. |
handset display flashes |
RANGE, and your call |
appears to be discon- |
nected. |