Miele 09 855 050 installation instructions Frequently asked questions, You can hear a noise

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You can hear a noise

Frequently asked questions


Possible cause and remedy

You can hear a noise

Water is being pumped in or out.

(humming) when the

– This noise does not indicate a malfunction or a

appliance is turned on,

defect. This happens during pumping in and out of

when it is operating,


and after it has been


turned off.


After moving the

The boiling point of water has changed because the

appliance to another

new installation location differs by at least 984' (300 m)

location it no longer

in altitude from the old.

switches from the

￿ To do this, descale the appliance (see "Cleaning and

preheating phase to the

care - Descale").

cooking phase.


During operation an

The door is not properly closed.

unusually large amount

￿ Close the door.

of steam escapes or


The door gasket is not seated properly.

steam escapes from

parts of the steam oven

￿ Press the door gasket all the way around the door to

where it does not

make sure it is fitted evenly.



The door seal is damaged, e.g. cracks.



￿ Replace the gasket.



The control panel does

Something is obstructing the panel.

not open/close

￿ Remove the obstruction.

automatically despite


The finger pinch protection is very sensitive, so it may

repeatedly pressing the

￿ button.

happen occasionally that the control panel does not


open or close.


￿ Open/close the panel manually (see end of


"Frequently Asked Questions").


If the problem occurs very often, contact Miele.




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Miele 09 855 050 installation instructions Frequently asked questions, You can hear a noise