Chapter 3 Analysis Library
© National Instruments Corporation 3-37 LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries
Error Conditions
If an error condition occurs during a call to any of the functions in the LabWindows/CVI
Analysis Library, the status return value contains the error code. This code is a value that
specifies the type of error that occurred. The currently defined error codes and their associated
meanings are given in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2. Analysis Library Error Codes
Symbolic Name Code Error Message
BaseGETopAnlysErr -20101 Base must be less than Top.
DivByZeroAnlysErr -20060 Divide by zero err.
IndexLengthAnlysErr -20018 The following condition must be met:
0 (index + length) < samples.
NoAnlysErr 0 No error; the call was successful.
OutOfMemAnlysErr -20001 There is not enough space left to perform the specified
SamplesGEZeroAnlysErr -20004 The number of samples must be greater than or equal to
SamplesGTZeroAnlysErr -20003 The number of samples must be greater than zero.
SingularMatrixAnlysErr -20041 The input matrix is singular. The system of equations
cannot be solved.