LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries G-6 © National Instruments Corporation
pretriggering The technique used on a DAQ board to keep a continuous buffer filled with
data, so that when the trigger conditions are met, the sample includes the
data leading up to the trigger condition.
pts Points.
resolution The smallest signal increment that can be detected by a measurement
system. Resolution can be expressed in bits, in proportions, or in percent of
full scale. For example, a system has 12-bit resolution, one part in
4,096 resolution, and 0.0244 percent of full scale.
RTD Resistance temperature detector. A metallic probe that measures
temperature based upon its coefficient of resistivity.
s Seconds.
S/s Samples per second; used to express the rate at which a DAQ board
samples an analog signal.
(S/H) A circuit that acquires and stores an analog voltage on a capacitor for a
short period of time.
SCXI Signal Conditioning eXtensions for Instrumentation; the National
Instruments product line for conditioning low-level signals within an
external chassis near sensors so only high-level signals are sent to DAQ
boards in the noisy PC environment.
self-calibrating A property of a DAQ board that has an extremely stable onboard reference
and calibrates its own A/D and D/A circuits without manual adjustments
by the user.
Single-Ended (SE)
Inputs An analog input that is measured with respect to a common ground.
software trigger A programmed event that triggers an event such as data acquisition.
standard libraries The LabWindows/CVI Analysis, ANSI C, DDE, Formatting and I/O, GPIB
and GPIB-488.2, RS-232, TCP, and Utility libraries.
STC System Timing Controller.
synchronous (1) Hardware—Property of an event that is synchronized to a reference cloc
(2) Software—Property of a function that begins an operation and returns
only when the operation is complete.