Chapter 8 Utility Library
© National Instruments Corporation 8-47 LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries
LaunchExecutableExint result = LaunchExecutableEx (char *fileName, int windowState, int *handle);
LaunchExecutableEx performs the same operation as LaunchExecutable with the
following extended features:
• Under Windows, you can specify how the Windows application displays.
• This function returns a handle to the executable that can show whether the executable is still
running and also terminate the executable.
Input fileName string Pathname of executable file and arguments.
windowState integer Specifies how a Windows program is to be shown.
(Ignored under UNIX).
Output handle integer A handle representing the executable launched.
Return Value
result integer Result of operation.
Return Codes
(non-zero value) Failure (refer to LaunchExecutable).
Parameter Discussion
The following values are valid for windowState:
LE_HIDE application window is hidden
LE_SHOWNORMAL application window is shown normally and is activated
LE_SHOWMINIMIZED application window is displayed as an icon and is activated
LE_SHOWMAXIMIZED application window is displayed as a maximized window and
is activated
LE_SHOWNA application window is shown normally but is not activated
LE_SHOWMINNOACTIVE application window is shown as an icon but is not activated