ANSI C Library Chapter 1
LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries 1-4 © National Instruments Corporation
Under Windows, LabWindows/CVI implements the default locale by using the appropriate items
from the Intl section of the WIN.INI file and appropriate Microsoft Windows functions.
Anything not mentioned here has the same behavior under the default locale as specified in the C
For the LC_NUMERIC locale:
• decimal_point maps to the value of sDecimal.
• thousands_sep maps to the value of sThousand.
For the LC_MONETARY locale:
• currency_symbol maps to the value of sCurrency.
• mon_decimal_point maps to the value of sDecimal.
• mon_thousands_sep maps to the value of sThousand.
• frac_digits maps to the value of iCurrDigits.
• int_frac_digits maps to the value of iCurrDigits.
• p_cs_precedes and n_cs_precedes are set to 1 if iCurrency equals 0 or 2,
otherwise they are set to 0.
• p_sep_by_space and n_sep_by_space are set to 0 if iCurrency equals 0 or 1,
otherwise they are set to 0.
• p_sign_posn and n_sign_posn are determined by the value of iNegCurr as follows:
Value of iNegCurr Value of
0, 4 0
1, 5, 8, 9 1
3, 7, 10 2
For the LC_CTYPE locale:
• isalnum maps to the Windows function isCharAlphaNumeric.
• isalpha maps to the Windows function isCharAlpha.