Chapter 8 Utility Library
© National Instruments Corporation 8-17 LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries
Return Value
status integer Result of operation.
Return Codes
-1 Handle is invalid.
0 Executable is still running.
1 Executable has been terminated.
Note: If you launch another LabWindows/CVI executable under Windows 3.x, the launched
executable process will terminate itself after launching the new copy of the
CVI Run-time Engine. If you use ExecutableHasTerminated, the return value
will always be 1 because the process identification for the second Run-time Engine
cannot be tracked. See LaunchExecutableEx for more information.
GetBreakOnLibraryErrorsint state = GetBreakOnLibraryErrors (void);
This function returns the state of the Break on library errors option. It returns a 1 if the Break
on library errors option is enabled, or a 0 if it is disabled.
The state of the Break on Library errors option can be changed interactively using the Run
Options command in the Options menu of the Project window. The state of the Break on
Library errors option can also be changed programmatically using
SetBreakOnLibraryErrors, or the EnableBreakOnLibraryErrors and
DisableBreakOnLibraryErrors functions.
If debugging is disabled, this function always returns 0.
Return Value
state integer The current state of the Break on library errors option.
Return Codes
1Break on Library Errors option enabled.
0Break on Library Errors option disabled.