Utility Library Chapter 8
LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries 8-8 © National Instruments Corporation
Parameter Discussion
sourceFileName and targetFileName may contain wildcard characters ‘?’ and ‘*’. If
sourceFileName has wildcards, all matching files are copied. If targetFileName has wildcards,
it will be matched to sourceFileName. If the target file is a directory, the existing file (or group
of files) will be copied into the directory.
sourceFileName may also be the empty string (""), in which case the file found by the most
recent call to GetFirstFile or GetNextFile is copied.
CVILowLevelSupportDriverLoadedint loaded = CVILowLevelSupportDriverLoaded (void);
Note: This function is available only in the Windows 95 and NT version of
This function returns an indication of whether the LabWindows/CVI low-level support driver
was loaded at startup. The following Utility Library functions require the LabWindows/CVI low-
level driver to be loaded at startup.
Function Platforms where low-level
support driver is needed
inp Windows NT
inpw Windows NT
outp Windows NT
outpw Windows NT
ReadFromPhysicalMemory Windows 95 and NT
ReadFromPhysicalMemoryEx Windows 95 and NT
WriteToPhysicalMemory Windows 95 and NT
WriteToPhysicalMemoryEx Windows 95 and NT
DisableInterrupts Windows 95
EnableInterrupts Windows 95
DisableTaskSwitching Windows 95
Most of these functions do not return an error if the low-level support driver is not loaded. To
make sure your calls to these functions can execute correctly, call
CVILowLevelSupportDriverLoaded at the beginning of your program.