Easy I/O for DAQ Library Chapter 10
LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries 10-66 © National Instruments Corporation
Table 10-5. Easy I/O for DAQ Error Codes (Continued)
-10848 noDMACountAvailErr The driver could not obtain a valid reading from the
transfer-count register in the DMA controller.
-10849 openFileErr Unable to open a file.
-10850 closeFileErr Unable to close a file.
-10851 fileSeekErr Unable to seek within a file.
-10852 readFileErr Unable to read from a file.
-10853 writeFileErr Unable to write to a file.
-10854 miscFileErr An error occurred accessing a file.
-10880 updateRateChangeErr A change to the update rate is not possible at this time
because: 1) When waveform generation is in progress, you cannot change the interval
timebase. 2) When you make several changes in a row, you must wait long enough
for each change to take effect before you request further changes.
-10920 gpctrDataLossErr One or more data points may have been lost during buffered
GPCTR operations due to speed limitations of your system.