© National Instruments Corporation xvii LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries
About This Manual

The LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries Reference Manual contains information about the
LabWindows/CVI standard libraries—the Graphics Library, the Analysis Library, the Formatting
and I/O Library, the GPIB Library, the GPIB-488.2 Library, the RS-232 Library, the Utility
Library, and the system libraries. The LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries Reference Manual
is intended for use by LabWindows/CVI users who have already completed the Getting Started
with LabWindows/CVI tutorial and are familiar with the LabWindows/CVI User Manual. To use
this manual effectively, you should be familiar with LabWindows/CVI and DOS fundamentals.

Organization of This Manual

The LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries Reference Manual is organized as follows.
Chapter 1, ANSI C Library, describes the ANSI C Standard Library as implemented in
Chapter 2, Formatting and I/O Library, describes the functions in the LabWindows/CVI
Formatting and I/O Library, and contains many examples of how to use them. The
Formatting and I/O Library contains functions that input and output data to files and
manipulate the format of data in a program.
Chapter 3, Analysis Library, describes the functions in the LabWindows/CVI Analysis
Library. The Analysis Library Function Overview section contains general information about
the Analysis Library functions and panels. The Analysis Library Function Reference section
contains an alphabetical list of the function descriptions.
Chapter 4, GPIB/GPIB-488.2 Library, describes the NI-488 and NI-488.2 functions in the
LabWindows/CVI GPIB Library, as well as the Device Manager functions in
LabWindows/CVI. The GPIB Library Function Overview section contains general
information about the GPIB Library functions and panels, the GPIB DLL, and guidelines
and restrictions you should know when using the GPIB Library. Detailed descriptions of the
NI-488 and NI-488.2 functions can be found in your NI-488.2 function reference manual.
The GPIB Function Reference section contains an alphabetical list of descriptions for the
Device Manager functions, the callback installation functions, and the functions for returning
the thread-specific status variables.