DDE Library Chapter 6
LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries 6-16 © National Instruments Corporation
Return Value
message string Explanation of error.
int status = RegisterDDEServer (char serverName[],
ddeFuncPtr serverCallbackFunction,
void *callbackData);
Registers your program as a valid DDE server, allowing other Windows applications to connect
to it for interprocess communication.
Input serverName string Name of the server application.
serverCallbackFunction DDE function
pointer Pointer to the user callback
callbackData void pointer Pointer to the user data.
Return Value
status integer Refer to error codes in
Table 6-3.
Parameter Discussion
serverName must be a string of length from 1 to 255. It is used without regard to case.
The serverCallbackFunction is the name of the callback function that will be invoked to
process client requests.
The callback function must be of the following form:
int (*ddeFuncPtr) (int handle, char *topicName, char *itemName,
int xType, int dataFmt, int dataSize,
void *dataPtr, void *callbackData);
The xType (transaction type) parameter specifies the type of request received from the client.
The following transaction types are supported: