Chapter 2 Formatting and I/O Library
© National Instruments Corporation 2-5 LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries
Return Value
status integer Indicates success/failure.
Return Codes
0 Success.
-1 Error attempting to open file.
-2 Error attempting to close file.
-3 An I/O error occurred.
-4 Invalid dataType parameter.
-5 Invalid numberOfElements parameter.
-6 Invalid numberOfGroups parameter.
-7 Invalid arrayDataOrder parameter.
-8 Invalid fileLayout parameter.
-9 Invalid fileType parameter.
-10 Invalid separationStyle parameter.
-11 Invalid fieldWidth parameter.
-12 Invalid fileAction parameter.
Parameter Discussion
FileName may be an absolute pathname or a relative file name. If you use a relative file name,
the file is created relative to the current working directory.
DataType must be one of the following.
If you save the array data in ASCII format, you may divide the array data into groups. Groups
can be written as either columns or rows. NumberOfGroups specifies the number of groups into
which to divide the array data. If you do not want to divide your data into groups, use 1.
If you divide your array data into groups, arrayDataOrder specifies how the data is ordered in
the array. The two choices are as follows.