© National Instruments Corporation G-1 LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries
GlossaryPrefix Meaning Value
n- nano- 10-9
µ-micro- 10-6
m- milli- 10-3
k- kilo- 103
M- mega- 106
1D One-dimensional.
2D Two-dimensional.
A Analog input.
A/D Analog-to-digital.
AC Alternating current.
converter An electronic device, often an integrated circuit, that converts an analog
voltage to a digital number.
ADC resolution The resolution of the ADC, which is measured in bits. An ADC with
16 bits has a higher resolution, and thus a higher degree of accuracy, than a
12-bit ADC.
analog trigger A trigger that occurs at a user-selected point on an incoming analog signal.
Triggering can be set to occur at a specific level on either an increasing or a
decreasing signal (positive or negative slope). Analog triggering can be
implemented either in software or in hardware. When implemented in
software, all data is collected, transferred into system memory, and
analyzed for the trigger condition. When analog triggering is implemented