Utility Library Chapter 8
LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries 8-84 © National Instruments Corporation
TruncateRealNumberdouble y = TruncateRealNumber (double inputRealNumber);
Truncates the fractional part of inputRealNumber and returns the result as a real number.
Input inputRealNumber double-precision.
Return Value
ydouble-precision Value of inputRealNumber
without its fractional part.
UnloadExternalModuleint status_id = UnloadExternalModule (int moduleID);
Unloads an external module file loaded via LoadExternalModule.
Output moduleID integer ID of loaded module.
Return Value
status_id integer Indicates the result of the
Return Codes
0 Success.
-9 Failure due to invalid module_id.
Parameter Discussion
moduleID is the value returned by LoadExternalModule, or -1. If -1 is used, all
external modules are unloaded.