Chapter 5 RS-232 Library
© National Instruments Corporation 5-9 LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries
Parameter Discussion
The function does nothing if the port numbers are invalid (port is not open or parameter value is
not in the range 1 through 32).
int result = ComBreak (int COMPort, int breakTimeMsec);
Generates a break signal.
Input COMPort integer Range 1 through 32.
breakTimeMsec integer Range 1 through 255, or 0 to
select 250.
Return Value
result integer Refer to error codes in
Table 5-6.
Using This Function
The function generates a break signal for the number of milliseconds indicated or for 250 ms if
the breakTimeMsec parameter is zero. For most applications, 250 ms is adequate.
Errors may occur if the port is not open or parameter values are invalid.
int nbytes = ComFromFile (int COMPort, int fileHandle, int count,
int terminationByte);
Reads from the specified file and writes to output queue of the specified COM port.