Easy I/O for DAQ Library Chapter 10
LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries 10-34 © National Instruments Corporation
short error = CounterStop (unsigned long taskID);
Stops a count operation immediately.
Input taskID unsigned
long integer The reference number assigned to the
counting operation by one of the counter
configuration functions.
Return Value
error short integer Refer to error codes in Table 10-5.
short error = DelayedPulseGenConfig (short device, char counter[],
double pulseDelay, double pulseWidth,
unsigned short timebaseSource,
unsigned short gateMode,
unsigned short pulsePolarity,
double *actualDelay,
double *actualPulseWidth,
unsigned long *taskID);
Configures a counter to generate a delayed TTL pulse or triggered pulse train on its OUT pin.
The signal is created by decrementing the counter twice, first for the delay to the pulse (phase 1),
then for the pulse itself (phase 2). The function selects the highest resolution timebase to achieve
the desired characteristics.
You can also call the CounterStart function to gate or trigger the operation with a signal on
the counter's GATE pin.