LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries I-12 © National Instruments Corporation
NNeg1D function, 3-28
null modem cable, 5-5
NumFmtdBytes function, 2-20
Oone-dimensional array operation functions
Abs1D, 3-4 to 3-5
Add1D, 3-5
Div1D, 3-16 to 3-17
LinEv1D, 3-21
MaxMin1D, 3-24
Mul1D, 3-26 to 3-27
Neg1D, 3-28
Sub1D, 3-30 to 3-31
Subset1D, 3-32
one-dimensional complex operation
CxAdd1D, 3-8 to 3-9
CxDiv1D, 3-10
CxLinEv1D, 3-11
CxMul1D, 3-12 to 3-13
CxSub1D, 3-15
ToPolar1D, 3-33 to 3-34
ToRect1D, 3-35
open functions
GPIB Library, 4-2
RS-232 Library, 5-1
OpenCom function, 5-4, 5-25 to 5-26
OpenComConfig function, 5-4, 5-26 to 5-28
OpenDev function, 4-6, 4-20
OpenFile function, 2-20 to 2-22
outp function, 8-56
outpw function, 8-56
Pparallel poll functions, GPIB-488.2
Library, 4-4
persistent variable functions
GetPersistentVariable, 8-33 to 8-34
SetPersistentVariable, 8-71
physical memory access functions
ReadFromPhysicalMemory, 8-57
ReadFromPhysicalMemoryEx, 8-58
WriteToPhysicalMemory, 8-85 to 8-86
WriteToPhysicalMemoryEx, 8-86
to 8-87
function, 10-47
port I/O utility functions
inp, 8-42
inpw, 8-42 to 8-43
outp, 8-56
outpw, 8-56
properties. See also X Property Library
definition, 9-2
handles and types, 9-3
property events, handling
GetXPropErrorString, 9-15
InstallXPropertyCallback, 9-4, 9-25
to 9-27
UninstallXPropertyCallback, 9-4, 9-33
property information, managing
CreateXProperty, 9-3, 9-9 to 9-10
DestroyXProperty, 9-12 to 9-13
GetXPropertyName, 9-15 to 9-16
GetXPropertyType, 9-16 to 9-17
property types, managing
CreateXPropType, 9-3, 9-10 to 9-12
DestroyXPropType, 9-13 to 9-14
GetXPropTypeName, 9-17 to 9-18
GetXPropTypeSize, 9-18
GetXPropTypeUnit, 9-19
PulseWidthOrPeriodMeasConfig function,
10-48 to 10-49
PutXWindowPropertyItem function, 9-27
to 9-28
PutXWindowPropertyValue function, 9-29
to 9-31