DDE Library Chapter 6
LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries 6-20 © National Instruments Corporation
Refer to Microsoft programmers' documention for Windows 3.x for an in-depth discussion of
DDE programming and meaning of each data format type.
Using This Function
This function allows your program, acting as a DDE server, to send data to a client. You should
call this function only when your serverCallbackFunction receives transaction type (xType) of
If you call the function at any other time, the data is stored until the client requests data. If you
call the function multiple times on the same conversation before the client requests the data, each
new data set is appended to the buffer containing the stored data.
If the client has set up a hot or warm link and you need to send data other than in response to a
DDE_REQUESTDATA transaction, use the AdviseDDEDataReady or
BroadcastDDEDataReady function.
If successful, this function returns the number of bytes written. Otherwise, this function returns a
negative error code.
See Also
RegisterDDEServer, AdviseDDEDataReady
SetUpDDEHotLinkint status = SetUpDDEHotLink (unsigned int conversationHandle, itemName[],
unsigned int dataFormat,
unsigned int timeout);
Sets up a hot link (advisory loop) between the client and the server. The function returns zero for
success and a negative error code for failure.
Input conversationHandle unsigned integer Uniquely identifies the conversation.
itemName string Uniquely identifies the output item; for
example, system.
dataFormat unsigned integer Valid data format; for example,
timeout unsigned integer Timeout in ms.