Chapter 10 Easy I/O for DAQ Library
© National Instruments Corporation 10-31 LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries
Input device short
integer Assigned by configuration utility.
counter string The counter to be used for the counting
counterSize unsigned
Determines the size of the counter used to
perform the operation: ONE_COUNTER or
gateWidthSampleTimeinSec double The desired length of the pulse used to gate
the signal. The lower the signal frequency,
the longer the Gate Width must be.
maxDelayBeforeGateSec double The maximum expected delay between the
time the function is called and the start of
the gating pulse. If the gate signal does not
start in this time, a timeout occurs.
counterMinus1GateMode unsigned
The gate mode for counter-1.
Output actualGateWidthSec double The length in seconds of the gating pulse
that is used.
overflow short
integer 1 = counter rolled past terminal count; 0 =
counter did not roll past terminal count. If
overflow is 1, the value of frequency is
valid short
integer Set to 1 if the measurement completes
without a counter overflow. A timeout and
a valid measurement may occur at the same
time. A timeout does not produce an error.
timeout short
integer Set to 1 if the time limit expires during the
function call. A timeout and a valid
measurement may occur at the same time.
A timeout does not produce an error.
frequency double The frequency of the signal. It is computed
as the (number of rising edges) /