TCP Library Chapter 7
LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries 7-12 © National Instruments Corporation
Return Value
status integer Refer to error codes in Table 7-3.
See Also
Error Conditions
If an error condition occurs during a call to any of the functions in the LabWindows/CVI TCP
Library, the status return value contains the error code. This code is a non-zero value that
specifies the type of error that occurred. Error code return values are negative numbers. The
currently defined error codes and their associated meanings are shown in Table 7-3.
Table 7-3. TCP Library Error Codes
Code Error Message
0 kTCP_NoError
-1 -kTCP_UnableToRegisterService
-2 -kTCP_UnableToEstablishConnection
-3 -kTCP_ExistingServer
-4 -kTCP_FailedToConnect
-5 -kTCP_ServerNotRegistered
-6 -kTCP_TooManyConnections
-7 -kTCP_ReadFailed
-8 -kTCP_WriteFailed
-9 -kTCP_InvalidParameter
-10 -kTCP_OutOfMemory
-11 -kTCP_TimeOutErr
-12 -kTCP_NoConnectionEstablished
-13 -kTCP_GeneralIOErr
-14 -kTCP_ConnectionClosed
-15 -kTCP_UnableToLoadWinsockDLL
-16 -kTCP_IncorrectWinsockDLLVersion
-17 -kTCP_NetworkSubsystemNotReady
-18 -kTCP_ConnectionsStillOpen