Formatting and I/O Library Chapter 2
LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries 2-6 © National Instruments Corporation
VAL_GROUPS_TOGETHER—all points of each data group are assumed to be stored consecutively
in the data array.
VAL_DATA_MULTIPLEXEDit is assumed that the first point from each data group is stored
together, followed by the second point from each group and so on.
If you save the array data in ASCII format, fileLayout specifies how the data appears in the file.
The two choices are as follows.
If you have only one group, use VAL_GROUPS_AS_COLUMNS to write each array element on a
separate line.
If you specify that multiple values be written on each line, colSepStyle specifies how the values
are separated. The choices are as follows.
VAL_CONST_WIDTHconstant field width for each column
VAL_SEP_BY_COMMAvalues followed by commas, except last value on line
VAL_SEP_BY_TABvalues separated by tabs
If you have specified a colSepStyle of VAL_CONST_WIDTH, fieldWidth specifies the width of
the columns.
FileType specifies whether to create the file in ASCII or binary format.
The choices are as follows.
FileAction specifies the location in the file to begin writing data if the named file already exists.
The choices are as follows.
VAL_TRUNCATE—Positions the file pointer to the beginning of the file and deletes its prior
VAL_APPEND—All write operations append data to file.
VAL_OPEN_AS_IS—Positions the file pointer at the beginning of the file but does not
affect the prior file contents.