LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries I-14 © National Instruments Corporation
Sscanning function programming examples
ASCII file to two integers with error
checking, 2-68
ASCII file with comma separated
numbers to real array, with number of
elements at beginning of file, 2-68
to 2-69
binary file to integer array, assuming
fixed number of elements, 2-69
binary file to real array
assuming fixed number of
elements, 2-69
assuming variable number of
elements, 2-69 to 2-70
integer array containing 1-byte integers
to real array, 2-66 to 2-67
integer array to real array, 2-66
with byte swapping, 2-66
list of examples, 2-49 to 2-50
reading integer from standard input, 2-70
reading line from standard input, 2-71
reading string from standard input, 2-70
to 2-71
scanning strings that are not NUL-
terminated, 2-65 to 2-66
string containing binary integers to
integer array, 2-67
string containing IEEE-format real
number to real variable, 2-67 to 2-68
string to integer, 2-59 to 2-60
string to integer and real, 2-61
string to integer and string, 2-63
string to long integer, 2-60
string to real, 2-60 to 2-61
after finding semicolon in
string, 2-64
after finding substring in string, 2-64
skipping over non-numeric
characters, 2-63
string to string, 2-62
string with comma-separated ASCII
numbers to real array, 2-65
scanning functions. See also Formatting and
I/O Library functions; formatting
functions; string manipulation functions.
asterisks (*) instead of constants in
format specifiers, 2-48
format string, 2-41 to 2-43
introductory examples, 2-31 to 2-32
literals in format string, 2-48 to 2-49
purpose and use, 2-40
Scan, 2-24, 2-40
ScanFile, 2-25, 2-40
ScanIn, 2-25 to 2-26, 2-40
special nature of, 2-3 to 2-4
scanning modifiers. See also formatting
floating-point modifiers (%f), 2-45
to 2-46
integer modifiers (%i, %d, %x, %o, %c),
2-43 to 2-45
string modifiers (%s), 2-46 to 2-48
serial communications functions. See
RS-232 Library functions.
serial poll functions, GPIB-488.2
Library, 4-4
serial polling, automatic. See automatic
serial polling.
ServerDDEWrite function, 6-19 to 6-20
ServerTCPRead function, 7-10
ServerTCPWrite function, 7-11
Set1D function, 3-28
SetBreakOnLibraryErrors function, 8-63
to 8-64
SetBreakOnProtectionErrors function, 8-64
to 8-65
SetComTime function, 5-29
SetCTSMode function, 5-7, 5-30
SetDir function, 8-66
SetDrive function, 8-66 to 8-67
function, 10-53
SetFileAttrs function, 8-67 to 8-68
SetFileDate function, 8-68 to 8-69
SetFilePtr function, 2-26 to 2-28
SetFileTime function, 8-70
SetPersistentVariable function, 8-71
SetStdioPort function, 8-71 to 8-72