Chapter 8 Utility Library
© National Instruments Corporation 8-73 LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries
Input maxNumLines integer The maximum number of lines
that can be stored in the
Standard Input/Output Window.
If this amount is exceeded, lines
are discarded from the top.
Valid range: 100 to 1000000.
bringToFrontWhenModified integer Indicates whether the Standard
Input/Output window is brought
to the front each time a string or
character is added to it.
1 = Yes.
0 = No.
showLineNumbers integer Indicates whether line numbers
are shown in the Standard
Input/Output window.
1 = Yes.
0 = No.
Return Value
status integer Indicates whether the function
Return Codes
0 Success.
-1 Maximum number of lines is not within the valid
Parameter Discussion
maxNumLines—In an executable, the default value is 10000. In the CVI Development System,
the default value is the value set in the dialog box brought up by the Environment command in
the Options menu of the Project window. The value that you set using this function is reflected
the next time you bring up the Environment dialog box.
bringToFrontWhenModified—In an executable, the default value is 1 ("bring to front when
modified"). In the CVI Development System, the default value is the current state of the "Bring
Standard Input/Output window to front whenever modified" option in the dialog box brought up
by the Environment command in the Options menu of the Project window. The value that you
set using this function is reflected the next time you bring up the Environment dialog box.