Chapter 8 Utility Library
© National Instruments Corporation 8-13 LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries
The <Alt-Tab>, <Alt-Esc>, or <Ctrl-Esc> key combination under Windows 3.1 or Windows 95.
The Switch To item in the system menu under Windows 3.1.
This function affects the behavior of these keys only while LabWindows/CVI or a
LabWindows/CVI Standalone Executable is the active application under Microsoft Windows.
This function has no effect in Windows NT. See the Alternatives in Windows NT section for
instructions on how to achieve the desired effect.
Note: To use this function on Windows 95, the LabWindows/CVI low-level support driver
must be loaded.
Disabling the Task List
DisableTaskSwitching does not prevent the user from clicking on the desktop to get the
task list in Windows 3.1, or clicking on the task bar in Windows 95. You can prevent the user
from clicking on the desktop by forcing your window to cover the entire screen.
Forcing Window to Cover Entire Screen
You can force your window to cover the entire screen by making the following calls to functions
in the User Interface Library.
SetPanelAttribute (panel, ATTR_SIZABLE, FALSE);
SetPanelAttribute (panel, ATTR_CAN_MINIMIZE, FALSE);
SetPanelAttribute (panel, ATTR_CAN_MAXIMIZE, FALSE);
SetPanelAttribute (panel, ATTR_SYSTEM_MENU_VISIBLE, FALSE);
SetPanelAttribute (panel, ATTR_MOVABLE, FALSE);
SetPanelAttribute (panel, ATTR_WINDOW_ZOOM, VAL_MAXIMIZE);
In these calls, panel is the panel handle for your top-level window. These calls will work in
Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows NT.
Alternatives in Windows 3.1
Under Windows 3.1, you can prevent the end-user accessing the task list by disabling the Task
Manager. Change a line in your system.ini [boot] section from
taskman.exe = taskman.exe
taskman.exe =
Forcing your window to cover the entire screen or disabling the Task Manager does not prevent
the user from task switching using the <Alt-Tab> and <Alt-Esc> key combinations. You must
also call DisableTaskSwitching to disable the <Alt-Tab> and <Alt-Esc> key
combinations. As an alternative to calling DisableTaskSwitching, you can arrange for