LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries I-8 © National Instruments Corporation
using literals, 2-40
scanning functions, 2-41 to 2-43
examples, 2-41
form of, 2-41
format codes, 2-42 to 2-43
using literals, 2-48 to 2-49
Formatting and I/O Library functions
function panels
classes and subclasses, 2-2 to 2-3
function tree (table), 2-2
function reference
ArrayToFile, 2-4 to 2-6
CloseFile, 2-7
CompareBytes, 2-7 to 2-8
CompareStrings, 2-8 to 2-9
CopyBytes, 2-9 to 2-10
CopyString, 2-10
FileToArray, 2-11 to 2-12
FillBytes, 2-13
FindPattern, 2-13 to 2-14
Fmt, 2-14 to 2-15, 2-32
FmtFile, 2-15 to 2-16, 2-32
FmtOut, 2-16 to 2-17, 2-32
GetFileInfo, 2-17
GetFmtErrNdx, 2-18
GetFmtIOError, 2-18 to 2-19
GetFmtIOErrorString, 2-19
NumFmtdBytes, 2-20
OpenFile, 2-20 to 2-22
ReadFile, 2-22 to 2-23
ReadLine, 2-23 to 2-24
Scan, 2-24, 2-40
ScanFile, 2-25, 2-40
ScanIn, 2-25 to 2-26, 2-40
SetFilePtr, 2-26 to 2-28
StringLength, 2-28
StringLowerCase, 2-28 to 2-29
StringUpperCase, 2-29
WriteFile, 2-29 to 2-30
WriteLine, 2-30 to 2-31
formatting function programming examples
appending to a string, 2-56 to 2-57
concatenating two strings, 2-56
creating array of file names, 2-47
integer and real to string with
literals, 2-53
integer array to binary file, assuming
fixed number of elements, 2-54
integer to string, 2-50 to 2-51
list of examples, 2-49 to 2-50
long integer to string, 2-51
real array to ASCII file in columns with
comma separators, 2-53 to 2-54
real array to binary file
assuming fixed number of
elements, 2-54
assuming variable number of
elements, 2-55
real to string
in floating-point notation, 2-51
to 2-52
in scientific notation, 2-52
two integers to ASCII file with error-
checking, 2-53
variable portion of real array to binary
file, 2-55
writing line containing integer with
literals to standard output, 2-58
writing to standard output without
linefeed/carriage return, 2-58
formatting functions. See also scanning
functions; string manipulation functions.
asterisks (*) instead of constants in
format specifiers, 2-39
Fmtdescription, 2-14 to 2-15
examples, 2-32
description, 2-15 to 2-16
examples, 2-32
description, 2-16 to 2-17
examples, 2-32
format string, 2-33 to 2-35
introductory examples, 2-31 to 2-32
literals in format string, 2-40
purpose and use, 2-31
special nature of, 2-3 to 2-4
formatting modifiers, 2-35 to 2-39. See also
scanning modifiers.
floating-point modifiers (%f), 2-37
to 2-38