Chapter 10 Easy I/O for DAQ Library
© National Instruments Corporation 10-57 LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries
Error ConditionsAll of the functions in the Easy I/O for DAQ Library return an error code. A negative number
indicates that an error occurred. If the return value is positive, it has the same description as if it
were negative, but it is considered a warning.
Table 10-5. Easy I/O for DAQ Error Codes
-10001 syntaxErr An error was detected in the input string; the arrangement or ordering of
the characters in the string is not consistent with the expected ordering.
-10002 semanticsErr An error was detected in the input string; the syntax of the string is
correct, but certain values specified in the string are inconsistent with other values
specified in the string.
-10003 invalidValueErr The value of a numeric parameter is invalid.
-10004 valueConflictErr The value of a numeric parameter is inconsistent with another
parameter, and the combination is therefore invalid.
-10005 badDeviceErr The device parameter is invalid.
-10006 badLineErr The line parameter is invalid.
-10007 badChanErr A channel is out of range for the device type or input configuration, the
combination of channels is invalid, or you must reverse the scan order so that
channel 0 is last.
-10008 badGroupErr The group parameter is invalid.
-10009 badCounterErr The counter parameter is invalid.
-10010 badCountErr The count parameter is too small or too large for the specified counter.
-10011 badIntervalErr The interval parameter is too small or too large for the associated
counter or I/O channel.
-10012 badRangeErr The analog input or analog output voltage range is invalid for the
specified channel.
-10013 badErrorCodeErr The driver returned an unrecognized or unlisted error code.
-10014 groupTooLargeErr The group size is too large for the device.
-10015 badTimeLimitErr The time limit parameter is invalid.
-10016 badReadCountErr The read count parameter is invalid.
-10017 badReadModeErr The read mode parameter is invalid.
-10018 badReadOffsetErr The offset is unreachable.