Utility Library Chapter 8
LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries 8-20 © National Instruments Corporation
GetDirint result = GetDir (char currentDirectory[]);
Gets the current working directory on the default drive.
Output currentDirectory string Current directory.
Return Value
result integer Result of operation.
Return Codes
0 Success.
-3 General I/O error occurred.
-4 Insufficient memory to complete operation.
Parameter Discussion
currentDirectory must be at least MAX_PATHNAME_LEN bytes long.
GetDriveint result = GetDrive (int *currentDriveNumber, int *numberofDrives);
Note: This function is available only on the Windows versions of LabWindows/CVI.
Gets the current default drive number and the total number of logical drives in the system.
Output currentDriveNumber integer Current default drive number.
numberofDrives integer Number of logical drives.