Chapter 9 X Property Library
© National Instruments Corporation 9-23 LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries
Input display DisplayPtrX A pointer to the display of the
X server to which the window
window WindowX The window from which the
property value is to be obtained.
property PropertyHandleX Handle of the property to be
obtained. This value must have
been obtained with
index unsigned integer Index into the property value
where reading is to begin.
Specify the number of property
items to skip from the start of the
property value.
numberofItemsRequested unsigned integer Number of property items to
obtain from the window.
delete integer Flag indicating whether to delete
the property value from the
window after it is obtained.
Specify 1 to delete the portion of
the property value that was
obtained. Specify 0 to leave the
property value as it is.
Output numberofItemsReturned unsigned integer
(passed by reference) Number of property items that
were obtained from the window.
numberOfItemsRemaining unsigned integer
(passed by reference) Number of property items on the
window that were neither skipped
nor obtained. Pass NULL for
this parameter if you do not need
this information.
propertyValue generic pointer Property value obtained from
window. This parameter must
point to an array of size N by M
bytes, where N is the size of the
property item, and M is the
number of items requested.