X Property Library Chapter 9
LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries 9-8 © National Instruments Corporation
Input displayName string Determines the X server connection and
which communication domain to use.
Output display DisplayPtrX
(passed by
Pointer to the display of the remote X server.
Use this value as the argument to other
library functions to communicate with the
remote X server.
rootWindow WindowX
(passed by
Root window of the remote X server. Use
this value as the parameter to other library
functions to access properties on the root
window of the remote X server.
Return Values
The return value indicates the success or failure status of the function call. A negative value
indicates an error. status values are shown in the following table.
NoXErr 0 The function was successful.
InvalidParamXErr -1 NULL was passed to one or more of the parameters.
TooManyConnectionsXErr -6 The program has already made the maximum
number of connections as defined by the constant
DisconnectFromXDisplay to allow more
CannotConnectXErr -7 The connection could not be made to the X server.
This happens for a number of reasons including an
invalid display name, a network problem, or a
security problem.
Parameter Discussion
Valid values for displayName include any valid arguments to the Xlib function
XOpenDisplay. The format is hostname:server or hostname:server.screen,
•hostname specifies the name of the host computer on which the display is physically
•server specifies the number of the server on its host computer (usually 0).
•screen specifies the number of the default screen on the server (usually 0).