Formatting and I/O Library Chapter 2
LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries 2-64 © National Instruments Corporation
String to Real, After Finding a Semicolon in the String
char *s;
double x;
int n;
s = "TIME 12:45:00; 7.34";
n = Scan (s, "%s>%s[xdt59]%f", &x);
/* result: x = 7.34, n = 2 */
Some strings returned by programmable instruments contain headers that consist of numeric as
well as non-numeric data and are terminated by a particular character, such as a semicolon. This
example shows how such a header can be skipped.
The format string contains two target specifiers. In the first specifier (%s[xdt#]), the t#
modifier instructs Scan to read bytes from s until a number is encountered. The d modifier
indicates that the bytes must be discarded because there is no argument corresponding to the
specifier. The x modifier indicates that the semicolon should also be discarded.
When the Scan call succeeds, it returns 2, indicating that two target specifiers were satisfied,
even though there is only one target argument.
String to Real, After Finding a Substring in the String
char *s;
double x;
int index, n;
s = "HEADER: R5 D6; DATA 3.71E+2";
index = FindPattern (s, 0, -1, "DATA", 0, 0) + 4;
n = Scan (s, "%s[i*]>%f", index, &x);
/* result: x = 371.0, n = 1 */
This example is similar to the previous one, except that portion of the string to be skipped is
terminated by a substring (DATA) rather than by a single character. The Formatting and I/O
Library function FindPattern is used to find the index where DATA begins in s. Four is
added to the index so that it points to the first byte after DATA. The index is then passed to
Scan and matched with the asterisk (*) in the format string.
In this example, FindPattern returns 15, and index is 19. When index is matched to the
asterisk in the format string in the Scan call, the format string is interpreted as %s[i19]>%f.
The i19 indicates that the first 19 bytes of s should be ignored. Scan then extracts the real
number from the remaining string, 3.71E+2, and assigns it to x. Scan returns 1, indicating
that one target specifier is satisfied.