Chapter 9 X Property Library
© National Instruments Corporation 9-33 LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries
UninstallXPropertyCallbackPropLibXErrType status = UninstallXPropertyCallback
(PropertyCallbackTypeX *callbackFunction);
Uninstall a property callback function.
After a callback function is uninstalled, it is no longer called when properties change. All
property callback functions are automatically uninstalled when the program terminates.
Note: Although you cannot selectively uninstall certain properties or windows associated
with a callback function, you can reinstall a callback function with a new set of
windows and properties using InstallXPropertyCallback.
Input callbackFunction PropertyCallbackTypeX* The function that was installed with
Return Values
The return value indicates the success or failure status of the function call. A negative value
indicates an error. The following table shows status values.
NoXErr 0 The function was successful.
InvalidCallbackXErr -17 The function specified is not installed as a callback.