Chapter 10 Easy I/O for DAQ Library
© National Instruments Corporation 10-65 LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries
Table 10-5. Easy I/O for DAQ Error Codes (Continued)
-10780 sc2040InputModeErr When you have an SC2040 attached to your device, all analog
input channels must be configured for differential input mode.
-10800 timeOutErr The operation could not complete within the time limit.
-10801 calibrationErr An error occurred during the calibration process.
-10802 dataNotAvailErr The requested amount of data has not yet been acquired, or the
acquisition has completed and no more data is available to read.
-10803 transferStoppedErr The transfer has been stopped to prevent regeneration of output
-10804 earlyStopErr The transfer stopped prior to reaching the end of the transfer buffer.
-10805 overRunErr The clock source for the input transfer is faster than the maximum
input-clock rate; the integrity of the data has been compromised. Alternatively, the
clock source for the output transfer is faster than the maximum output-clock rate; a
data point was generated more than once because the update occurred before new
data was available.
-10806 noTrigFoundErr No trigger value was found in the input transfer buffer.
-10807 earlyTrigErr The trigger occurred before sufficient pretrigger data was acquired.
-10809 gateSignalErr Attempted to start a pulse width measurement with the pulse in the
active state.
-10840 softwareErr The contents or the location of the driver file was changed between
accesses to the driver.
-10841 firmwareErr The firmware does not support the specified operation, or the firmware
operation could not complete due to a data-integrity problem.
-10842 hardwareErr The hardware is not responding to the specified operation, or the
response from the hardware is not consistent with the functionality of the hardware.
-10843 underFlowErr The update rate exceeds your system's capacity to supply data to the
output channel.
-10844 underWriteErr At the time of the update for the device-resident memory,
insufficient data was present in the output transfer buffer to complete the update.
-10845 overFlowErr At the time of the update clock for the input channel, the device-
resident memory was unable to accept additional data—one or more data points may
have been lost.
-10846 overWriteErr New data was written into the input transfer buffer before the old data
was retrieved.
-10847 dmaChainingErr New buffer information was not available at the time of the DMA
chaining interrupt; DMA transfers will terminate at the end of the currently active
transfer buffer.