Utility Library Chapter 8
LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries 8-24 © National Instruments Corporation
Parameter Discussion
Each attribute parameter will contain one of the following values:
0—attribute is not set
1—attribute is set
fileName may be the empty string (""), in which case the attributes of the file found by the most
recent call to GetFirstFile or GetNextFile are returned.
/* get the attributes of WAVEFORM.DAT */
int read_only,system,hidden,archive;
GetFileAttrs ("waveform.dat",&read_only,&system,&hidden,&archive);
if (read_only)
FmtOut("WAVEFORM.DAT is a read-only file!");
GetFileDateint result = GetFileDate (char fileName[], int *month, int *day, int *year);
Gets the date of a file.
Input fileName string File to get date.
Output month integer Month (1 to 12).
day integer Day of month (1 to 31).
year integer Year (1980–2099).
Return Value
result integer Result of operation.