Utility Library Chapter 8
LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries 8-76 © National Instruments Corporation
SetStdioWindowVisibilityvoid SetStdioWindowVisibility (int visible);
Either brings to the front or hides the Standard Input/Output window.
Input visible integer 1 = Standard I/O window is visible.
0 = Standard I/O window is hidden.
SetSystemDateint status = SetSystemDate (int month, int day, int year);
Note: This function is only available on the Windows version of LabWindows/CVI. Under
Windows NT, you must have system administrator status to use this function.
Sets the system date.
Input month integer Month (1–12).
day integer Day of month (1–31).
year integer Year (Under Windows 3.1, the year is limited to
the values 1980–2099).
Return Value
status integer Success or failure.
Return Codes
0 Success.
-1 Failure reported by operating system, probably due to invalid parameter.