Chapter 8 Utility Library
© National Instruments Corporation 8-69 LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries
Input fileName string File to set attributes.
month integer Month (1 to 12)
1 —January
2 —February
3 —March
4 —April
5 —May
6 —June
7 —July
8 —August
9 —September
10 —October
11 —November
12 —December
day integer Day of month (1 to 31)
year integer Year (1980–2099)
Return Value
status integer Result of operation.
Return Codes
0 Success.
-1 File not found or directory in path not found.
-3 General I/O error occurred.
-4 Insufficient memory to complete operation.
-5 Invalid date, or invalid path (for example, c:filename in Windows).
-6 Access denied.
Parameter Discussion
fileName may be the empty string (""), in which case the date of the file found by the most
recent call to GetFirstFile or GetNextFile is set.