GPIB/GPIB-488.2 Library Chapter 4
LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries 4-14 © National Instruments Corporation
CloseInstrDevsint result = CloseInstrDevs (char *instrumentPrefix);
Closes instrument devices.
Input instrumentPrefix string Must be null-terminated.
Return Value
result integer Result of the close instrument
devices operation.
Return Codes
Using This Function
Closes all devices associated with the instrument module whose prefix is specified.
instrumentPrefix is a string that specifies the prefix of the instrument module being closed.
CloseInstrDevs always returns zero. CloseInstrDevs should be used only in
conjunction with OpenDev.
ibInstallCallbackint status = ibInstallCallback (int boardOrDevice, int eventMask,
GPIBCallbackPtr callbackFunction,
void *callbackData)
Note: This function is available only on Microsoft Windows. On UNIX, use the ibsgnl
function. On Windows 3.1, the data type of the return value and the first two
parameters is short rather than int.
This function allows you to install a synchronous callback function for a specified board or
device. If you want to install an asynchronous callback, use the ibnotify function instead.