Change port characteristics
The SET PORT command changes port characteristics in the terminal server's operational database. These changes take effect immediately, but remain in effect only until you log off the port or until the network manager initializes the terminal server.
Users at Secure ports can set some characteristics of their own ports, including all those listed here. Users at Privileged ports can define and set these and other characteristics, as well as the characteristics of other ports. See Commands Reference for the Model 3395/3395A Terminal Server for information about the characteristics of the DEFINESET PORT commands that are accessible at Privileged and Nonprivileged ports.
Many of the port characteristics you can set with these commands assign session management functions, such as local switch or forward switch, to the characters you specify. Chapter 2 explains more about these characters. Before you attempt to assign a function to a character, check the current settings, if any, for the characters at your port. Use the SHOW PORT CHARACTERISTICS command to display the settings of the session switching characters, the SHOW PORT ALTERNATE CHARACTERISTICS command to display the settings of the editing control characters, and the SHOW PORT TELNET CHARACTERISTICS command to display the settings of Telnet session management characters.
*An asterisk next to a setting indicates that it is the default setting for a port characteristic.
...[characteristic setting] [characteristic setting]
The following is a summary of the available characteristics. A detailed description of each follows on the page after the summary.