Status | The current activity at this port. Some of the possible status messages do not appear | |
| when you enter this command at your own port. These include Idle, Locked, Loading | |
| Script, Finding Script, and Running Script. Other status messages that you might see | |
| include these: |
| S t a t u s | Means |
| Connected | The port is currently connected to a LAT service or Telnet |
| destination. |
| Connecting | The port is currently attempting to connect to a LAT service |
| or Telnet destination. |
| Disconnected | The server disconnected the port from a session. (This may |
| happen if a session is inactive for a long period of time.) |
| Disconnecting | The server is disconnecting a port from a session. |
| Executing Cmd | The port is executing a command from the terminal server |
| local command mode. |
| Local Mode | The port is logged on to the server and is in local command |
| mode. |
| Sessions | The number of active sessions at this port. |
Current | The session that you most recently interrupted when you entered | |
Service | local command mode. |
Current Node | The name of the LAT service node or the Internet address of the Telnet node where the | |
| current session is established. | |
Current Port | The Telnet port number if the current session is a Telnet session. | |
Current Domain | The domain name or Internet address of the Telnet destination if the current session is a | |
| Telnet session. |
Input XOFFed | Whether XONOFF flow control is enabled for data input to the port from your | |
| terminal. |
Output XOFFed | Whether XONOFF flow control is enabled for data output form the port to your | |
| terminal. |
Output Signals | The modem control signals that the port asserts to your terminal. | |
Input Signals | The modem control signals that your terminal asserts to the port. | |
Last Char Output | The hexadecimal value of the last character that the port sent to your terminal. | |
Last Char Input | The hexadecimal value of the last character that the port received from your terminal. |