1 . TS3395> show nodes status
| Address: | |
| LAT Protocol: | V5.1 |
| Data Link Frame Size: 1500 |
| Identification: FINANCEVAX - The Corporate MicroVAX II | |||
| Node Groups: 0 |
| Service Name | Status Rating Identification | |
XANADU | 3 Connected | 71 | FinanceVAX - The Corporate MicroVAX II |
F i e l d | Means |
Node: | The name of the LAT service node. | |
LAT Protocol Vx.y | The version number (x) and the update level (y) of the LAT protocol running on the node. | |
Address | The Ethernet address of the node. | |
Data Link Frame | The maximum size of a Data Link Frame that the node can use to receive messages. | |
Size |
Identification | The text string that identifies the node. | |
Node Groups | The group codes enabled for this node. | |
Service Name | The entries in this column are the names of LAT services that this node offers to network | |
| users. |
Status | The entries in this column indicate the availability of the LAT services that this node offers | |
| to network users. These entries can be the following: | |
| Available | Users can establish sessions with this service. |
| n Connected | Users can establish sessions with the service, and n sessions are |
| currently active at this service. |
| Unknown | Although users could reach the service in the past, they may no |
| longer be able to reach it. |
| Unavailable | Users cannot reach the nodes that offer this service. |
Rating | The value that the node assigns to the service, which indicates the relative capacity of the | |
| service to accept new connections. A high rating indicates that a service is more able to | |
| accept connections. The range of values for this rating is 0 through 255. | |
Identification | The text string that identifies this service. |