TN3270 Sessions
port could be VT100,
Note: If the TN3270 characteristic is not enabled, you can still establish a session with an IBM host, but your keyboard will not function properly and the screen will be incorrectly formatted.
Using the SHOW PORT KEYMAP Command
The SHOW PORT KEYMAP command, described in Chapter 3, displays the translation table of 3270 keyboard functions and the corresponding keys for those functions on your terminal. The table also includes the hexadecimal value for those keys, although you do not need these values for regular keyboard use. Tables
Establishing a TN3270 Session with an IBM Host
Use the CONNECT or TELNET CONNECT commands to establish a session with an IBM host through a Telnet server. You can use a domain name or an Internet address as the destination name in the command. In the following example, a user enters the CONNECT command to establish a session with the IBM host FNC.BOSTON.COM. (Notice that the IBM host name is in Telnet domain name format). Figure
TS3395> connect fnc.boston.com
Welcome to
The Boston Finance Center
Enter your USERID and PASSWORD
USERID | ==> |
PASSWORD | ==> |
COMMAND | ==> |
Figure 4-2. A sample IBM logon screen
On this screen, the cursor appears at the USERID prompt.