Establish a session with a resource on the network
The CONNECT command establishes a session with a Telnet destination or a LAT service. Use the SHOW DESTINATIONS command to obtain a list of LAT service names and Telnet destination names on the network.
TELNET CONNECTIONS: The terminal server may take a few seconds to establish a Telnet connection to a domain name after it has been initialized. During this time, the server is attempting to locate the Domain Name Server, look up the Internet address for the domain name, and then make the connection. Subsequent attempts to connect to that Telnet host occur without delay, because the terminal server has a record of the Telnet address for that domain name.
TN3270 CONNECTIONS: You can use an Internet address or a domain name to reach an IBM host and establish a TN3270 session. Once you make the connection, your terminal emulates an IBM 3270 display station. See Chapter 4 for more information about TN3270 terminal emulation.
LAT CONNECTIONS: LAT services can exist at more than one LAT service node, or terminal server port. The
Some LAT services may require that you supply a password before you can use them. If a LAT service requires a password, the terminal server prompts you for it after you enter the CONNECT command. Enter the password and press the <Return> key. Check with the network manager if you have questions about the password for a LAT service. See the Examples section of this command description for an example of a LAT service with password protection.
LAT services allow a limited number of connections from terminal server ports. When the number of connections to a service has reached the maximum amount, additional connection requests are placed in a queue if one is enabled. If you request a connection to a service, and the service does not respond, it may already have the maximum number of terminal server connections or it may be unavailable.
PREFERRED SERVICES: If you enter the CONNECT command without a destination, the terminal server searches for a predefined preferred LAT service or a preferred Telnet destination. Preferred services are defined by the network manager, but you can check to see if a preferred service has been defined for your port with the SHOWLIST PORTS CHARACTERISTICS command.