TN3270 Sessions
Once the terminal server establishes a session with the IBM host, the terminal server software begin IBM 3270 terminal emulation. To check the functions of keys during a session, use the <CTRL><X> key sequence. This key sequence displays a table similar to the SHOW PORT KEYMAP display. Tables
Note: If you are using a personal computer (PC) and running terminal emulation software, this software may not match every IBM display station key to the corresponding key on your keyboard.
Using Hot Keys
Most terminals have screens that display
The Scroll Lower key
To view the three extra display lines on an IBM Model 5 display station screen, use the Scroll Lower function key. The Scroll Lower key changes the display from the top
VT100/102 and ANSI | ESC L |
The network manager can change the predefined key sequence, so the Scroll Lower key sequence on your terminal may be different.
The Status Key
To view the status line on an IBM Model 2 or Model 5 display station, use the Status key. (On Model 5 this is the
VT100/102 and ANSI | ESC ? |
The network manager can change the predefined key sequence, so the Status key sequence on your terminal may be different.