Chapter 4 BCM50 Security Policies and Accounts and Privileges 109
BCM50 Administration Guide
Telset access security
You can use the Telset administration interface (FEATURE 9*8) to activate or deactivate the telset
default access user accounts. You can also use this interface to change the password for these
accounts. For further information about using telset features, see the Telset Admin Guide.
The Telset group privileges apply specifically to the following telset interfaces:
• FEATURE 9*8 (Administrator access only)
• FEATURE **266344 (**CONFIG) (telephony interface)
• FEATURE 983 (CallPilot interface)
These interfaces are meant to be used only as supplementary configuration portals. You can also
block access to these interfaces when you set up the system Security Policies.
Table 23 Default Telset access
Configuration Heading Parameters Comments
System ID A read-only field in Feature 9*8 used for
keycode entry.
Region Uses Feature ** PROFILE on the set. See
Norstar documentation.
License Entitlement Code Uses Keycodes that can be entered one at a
time through Feature 9*8 .
TelephonyStartup Template Uses Feature ** STARTUP on telset within 15
minutes of a bootup of BCM. See Norstar
StartDN Uses Feature ** STARTUP on telset within 15
minutes of a bootup of BCM. See Norstar
VOICEMAILSTARTUP ATTENDANTDN Uses Feature 983 the first time you initialize
CallPilot. See CallPilot documentation.
UISTYLE Uses Feature 983 the first time you initialize
CallPilot. See CallPilot documentation.
LANGUAGE Uses Feature 983 the first time you initialize
CallPilot. See CallPilot documentation.