250 Chapter 10 BCM50 Utilities
7Select the BCM Monitor tabs that you want to include in static snapshots in the Tabs Saved in
Snapshot box. For example, if you want snaphots to include information about voice ports,
make sure that Voice Ports is included in the Tabs Saved in Snapshot box.
8To remove tabs from the snapshots definition, select a tab from the Tabs Saved in Snapshot
box and use the arrow button to move the tab to the Tabs Not Saved in Snapshot box.
9Click the OK button.

To save a static snapshot

Once you have configured static snapshot settings, you can save static snapshot at any time.
1While you are observing data on a tab, select Save Static Snapshots from the File menu, or
press CTRL S.
All the tabs included in the snapshot definition are saved to a text file located in the folder you
specified when you configured the static snapshot settings.

Dynamic snapshots

Dynamic snapshots record snapshots of system data that changes over time, such as CPU
utilization and active calls. Dynamic snapshots are captured according to a frequency that you
define. Once dynamic snapshots are enabled, BCM Monitor saves dynamic snapshot information
to a file on your personal computer, using the comma separated value (csv) file format. You can
open this file using a spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel.