Chapter 4 BCM50 Security Policies and Accounts and Privileges 111
BCM50 Administration Guide
• Primarily, you can block unauthorized access by ensuring that you change all default
passwords once the system is set up and verified.
• You can also block user access by simply changing the password. Note that you must retain a
record of the password, since this information is not displayed either on the El ement Manager
panel or in the programming record file.
• You can increase the complexity required for both Element Manager and telset passwords to
make it more difficult for unauthorized users to inadvertently guess the correct password.
Complexity is increased by increasing the type of characters that are required and by
increasing the minimum length of the password.
• You can set up the system to lock out a user if the password is entered incorrectly a
(configurable) number of times. You can unlock the account through the user account record,
or the user can wait for the lockout timer to run out before attempting to log on again. The user
account shows the last time a user failed to logon.
• You can set a user account to automatically expire on a given date.
• You can manually disable the account. If the user is currently logged in, this takes effect at the
next log-in.
• If you only want to decrease the amount of system access, you can delete groups and reassign
groups with lower access privileges to the user account.
The administrator performing maintenance tasks can lock the system during the duration of the
maintenance. Any user already logged in remains logged in, but would not be able to log in again
until the Exclusive Access timer runs out.
Accounts and Privileges panel
This section describes the tabs and fields available on the Accounts and priveleges panel.
Current Account
The Current Account context panel provides a summary of user information about the person
currently signed into the Element Manager.