252 Chapter 10 BCM50 Utilities
7Select the BCM Monitor tabs that you want to include in dynamic snapshots in the Tabs
Saved in Snapshot box. For example, if you want the snapshots to include information about
voice ports, make sure that Voice Ports is included in the Tabs Saved in Snapshot box.
8To remove a tab from the snapshots, select a tab from the Tabs Saved in Snapshot box and
use the arrow button to move the tab to the Tabs Not Saved in Snapshot box.
9In the Automatic Snapshot area, click the Enable Automatic Snapshot check box to enable
automatic snapshots. If you disable automatic snapshots, BCM Monitor will take a single
snapshot instead of a series of snapshots. If you enable automatic snapshots, the Automatic
Snapshot Interval (sec) field and the Number of Snapshots field become available.
10 In the Automatic Snapshot Interval (sec) field, enter the interval in seconds between
successive automatic snapshots.
11 In the Number of Snapshots field, enter the number of snapshots from 1 to Infinite.
12 Click the OK button.
Starting a dynamic snapshot
Once you have configured dynamic snapshot settings, you can start a dynamic snapshot. Once you
start dynamic logging, BCM Monitor continues taking snapshots until it reaches the number of
snapshots you defined when you configured dynamic snapshot settings, or until you stop a
dynamic snapshot.
When you start dynamic snapshots, the BCM Monitor status bar displays “Dynamic snapshot
active;” the figure below shows the status bar portion of the panel.