180 Chapter 7 Using the BCM Fault Management System
185 10129 critical Service
Service Manager -
Doorphone service
has stopped
unexpectedly and
could not be
restarted by service
manager. This will
affect the ability to
use a doorphone on
the system.
Reboot system and
contact your local
support group.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
188 10132 critical Service
Service Manager -
IP Music Service
(BcmAmp) has
unexpectedly and
could not be
restarted by service
manager. This will
affect the ability to
use IP music.
Reboot system and
contact your local
support group.
Yes Yes Yes No
189 10133 critical Service
Service Manager -
IP Music Service
(ToneSrvr) has
unexpectedly and
could not be
restarted by service
manager. This will
affect the ability to
use IP music.
Reboot system and
contact your local
support group.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
191 10201 Warning Service
Service Manager -
Core Telephony has
been stopped either
due to user action or
because Service
Manager has
stopped this service
due to a
dependency on
another service that
has been stopped.
No Action Required. Yes No No No
192 10202 Warning Service
Service Manager -
CallPilot has been
stopped either due
to user action or
because Service
Manager has
stopped this service
due to a
dependency on
another service that
has been stopped.
No Action Required. Yes No No No