Chapter 3 BCM50 Management Environment 33
BCM50 Administration Guide
* Provides a description of the application and information about where to find it.
Administrator documentation is provided in English. User documentation is provided in the
following languages:
• English
• Spanish
• Italian
• Norwegian
• Portuguese

BCM50 Management Environment and Applications

A number of tools are available to help manage your BCM50. This section describes the following
“Managing BCM50 with Element Manager”
“Managing BCM50 with Telset administration” on page 34
“Managing BCM50 Voicemail and ContactCenter: CallPilot Manager” on page 34
“Managing Digital Mobility” on page 34
“Programming telephone sets: Desktop Assistant portfolio” on page 34
“Performing initialization: Startup Profile” on page 35
“Monitoring BCM50: BCM Monitor” on page 35
“Managing BCM50 remotely with SNMP” on page 35

Managing BCM50 with Element Manager

The primary management application for configuring and administering the BCM50 system is the
BCM Element Manager. The BCM Element Manager is a client-based management application
that runs on a Windows computer, or on a Citrix server. The BCM Element Manager allows for
connection to BCM50 devices over an IP network. It is used to configure, administer, and monitor
BCM50 devices. See “Element Manager” on page 36 for more information about the BCM
Element Manager.
You can download the BCM Element Manager application from the BCM50 web page. See
“BCM50 web page” on page 31 for a description of the BCM50 web page. The procedure
“Installing Element Manager on a Windows operating system” on page 37 provides detailed steps
for downloading and installing the BCM Element Manager on a Windows computer.